When i see this months brimbles sticker club kit i felt inspired to create a page in my creative journal.
i recently got married, and it was the best day of my life. However i knew it would make me really miss my granddads. Sadly 5 years ago i lost both of my granddads within a month of each-other. it was one of the hardest times in my life, and adding to that i had a baby to try and take care off it was really trying times.
This page was dedicated to one of my late grandfathers Anthony ( tony) this photo was of him meeting my daughter Mia for the first time. As soon as i got her out of her pushchair he was up and standing here next to me. Singing to her and chatting to her making her giggle. He told me about how he would sing the same songs to me as a baby.
Whilst i was creating this page, i couldn't help but be moved by all the memories that came flooding back, memories that id forgotten about and felt so blessed to have them all coming back to me.
Although it was emotional creating this page, its defiantly my favorite. So although its amazing to be able to capture and savor all the happy memories make sure you create pages that can help you remember the memories that may other wise have been forgotten.